Industry NewsCanada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses: Payment Rates and Online Estimator
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) would like to highlight new information about the Canada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses, a refundable tax credit designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises across Canada. This initiative aims to return a portion of the...
Information Requirements for Basic Grocery Ruling Requests
From: Canada Revenue Agency GST/HST Notices - Notice 338 September 2024 This publication explains the requirements to request a GST/HST ruling on grocery products. Except as otherwise noted, all statutory references in this publication are to the provisions of...
The CRA invites you to share your experiences with its services
At the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), we understand how important it is to put people first and provide high quality services that meet the needs of all taxpayers and benefit recipients. As the world changes with new technologies and evolving trends, we know there's...
Register for our free webinar: Be scam smart!
Don’t let scammers trick you! They target everyone, and anyone can be a victim. We invite you to an engaging presentation where you will learn how to spot different scams and what to do if you become a victim. Our webinar will cover: how to identify fake CRA calls,...
Teachers and parents: Join the movement to enhance tax literacy
Tax literacy is an important life skill, and we want to make sure that students have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make the right decisions about taxes. This back-to-school season, we’ve got you covered! Whether you are an educator, a parent, or an...
Students: It pays to do your taxes!
Heading back to school? Make sure tax literacy is on your course calendar! Understanding taxes will help you make smart decisions about your finances – how to put money in your pocket and help you save for a holiday, a car, or a house of your own. Money in your pocket...
Watch your limit when contributing to your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)!
Are you saving for a car or a dream vacation? A TFSA is a great way to save tax-free. The TFSA is a way for individuals who are 18 and older and have a valid social insurance number (SIN) to save money and withdraw it tax-free throughout their lifetime. Whether you...
Excise and GST/HST News – No. 117
From: Canada Revenue Agency August 2024 Table of Contents Public service bodies' rebate rate increases for New Brunswick Whitecap Dakota Nation Self-government treaty First Nations goods and services tax GST/HST relief Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k'tles7et'h' First Nations:...
The Personal Services Business pilot project is underway – your participation matters
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is continuing to analyze the business practices of personal services businesses (PSB) through its PSB pilot project. The information gathered will help the CRA identify future outreach and education opportunities, as well as plan...
The Government of Canada proposes new rebate to help businesses with carbon pollution pricing
The Canada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses is a refundable tax credit proposed in Budget 2024 to return a portion of federal fuel charge proceeds directly to eligible Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs). Once legislation is enacted, the Canada Revenue...